Next Generation
"Make Disciples"

“What kind of old man do you want to be?” I have been reading the story of Caleb, who at eighty-five was described as following the Lord God of Israel “wholeheartedly.”
Asked yourself the question; when I get old I want to be like?
As you get older are you closer to Jesus?
Some older men had drifted into self-centeredness, while others had become impatient and cynical toward the next generation. Some had let the later years sour them into becoming grumpy and critical.
Many older men simply living in the past and are no longer leaning forward into the future.
Many youger men have a disconnect with their fathers which influences their connection and relationship with other Christian men and with the church.
As older men we need to look to the next generation of men and mentor and lead them to greater depths of God’s purpose.
As younger men we need to look to the wisdom of older men and see the paths they walked in with Christ and follow their lead as they follow Christ.
Every man has a part in another man’s journey in Christ.
We are “Next Generation Men"

Mens Ministry Outreach
Feeding the Homeless

New Day Church Men's Minsitries decided that we needed to get outside the walls of our building. The picture to the left was taken after we had our monthly mens breakfast then went into our community looking for those in need. We were looking for Jesus and we found him, fulfilling Matthew 25:34-40. I am thankful for the men of New Day doing it instead of talking about doing it.#outsidethewalls